Parents are tormenting their babies by making them model the wacky new Snapchat lenses http://t.co/fUV10HQ8PM pic.twitter.com/qZw8wJt12s
— Tech Insider (@techinsider) 2015, 9月 16
You're going to have way too much with @Snapchat's newest update: http://t.co/orsx7PqrwT pic.twitter.com/Xu69nwm7Cc
— InStyle (@InStyle) 2015, 9月 17
Snapchat Acquires Looksery To Power Its Animated Lenses http://t.co/HAFIPiqyAJ — Michelle Chen (@pinshian) 2015, 9月 17
People are using Snapchat Lenses on the GOP debate candidates—and the results are ridiculous http://t.co/DEds3lQpow pic.twitter.com/Ew8cUlbtYM
— Tech Insider (@techinsider) 2015, 9月 17
Snapchat releases strange new 'Lenses' filters and I tell you about my day: http://t.co/3K4QhSvSaWpic.twitter.com/KbS5bWHX25 — PetaPixel (@petapixel) 2015, 9月 16
やるしかない…。これはもう。 加工も非常に簡単で、アイコンを選ぶだけです。
Snapchat Releases Strange New ‘Lenses’ Filters And I Tell You About My Day https://t.co/Kr1PO7kgos @sjphotocomau pic.twitter.com/5CfAyhXpfW — Steven Jodoin (@sjphotocomau) 2015, 9月 17